That lost nuke was NO MISTAKE
From: Russell 'Ace' Hoffman
Subject: Make no mistake about it: That lost nuke was NO MISTAKE
Date: Sep 15, 2007 10:13 AM
September 15th, 2007
Dear Readers,
Do you want a nuclear war with Iran?
Those half-dozen nukes that were accidentally "lost" last month, which turned up at Barksdale AFB, the staging area for aerial attacks on the Middle East, could not possibly have been lost. They were moved ON ORDERS FROM THE TOP.
And one of them appears to be missing.
What can you do with just one "small" nuke (maximum size 150 kilotons, and possibly as small as 5 kilotons)?
Start a war, that's what you can do! You can set it off in America, claim it was Al Qaeda, claim they were supplied by Iran, and then blow Tehran off the map.
I hear cheering.
Stop that, you fools! The people of Tehran are NOT our enemy. The people of Iran are NOT our enemy. If / WHEN that missing nuke is blown up and 10,000 Americans are killed, it will NOT be their fault.
We went into one war on false premises (at least one). We cannot afford a nuclear retaliation. The seeds we sow will come back time and again.
George Bush and Dick Cheney are evil incarnate. We, the people, cannot afford to wait for them to push the button that starts World War Three. We MUST remove the Evil Empire from office. We cannot afford to wait for their "term" to run out -- provision has ALREADY BEEN MADE to prevent it from running out, anyway!
Check out the URL below, where National Security Presidential Directive 51 (aka Homeland Security Presidential Directive 20) gives FULL AUTHORITY for the White House to stay in office, prevent elections, and rule us with an iron fist:
Oh sure, we can all just sleep, waiting to see what happens. Thinking it's out of our control. We can each, individually, be too afraid to speak out.
But that will just get us killed by radioactive poisons unleased throughout the world. Few people noticed the reddened skies after "Shock and Awe" blew Uranium dust globally. Few noticed that Iraq was attacked without provocation after flimsy excuses failed to convince the public. Few noticed that George Bush claimed in his most recent speech that "36 nations" were working together in Iraq right now, 35 alongside us, when, in truth, even our staunchest ally, Britain, has called it quits and plans to withdraw all their troops soon.
Bush lies, millions die.
Next on the agenda is a nuclear explosion on U.S. soil. Clause "B" of NSPD 51 states in no uncertain terms that such an event will be sufficient cause to stop ANY election of a new president. Read it yourself:
"Catastrophic Emergency" means any incident, regardless of location, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the U.S. population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government functions;
For example, a nuke.
Patriotic citizens around the country are waking up. But are there enough of us? Or has our decades-old lack of proper education brought us to a state of mass apathy about what made America great -- which was the personal involvement of the people -- people who cared about truth, justice, and the American Way?
Don't expect that nuke to be set off today or tomorrow, or even next month. It will probably be a year from now, long after everyone's forgotten about it. The war will start swiftly after that. George Bush will announce that the response has already begun -- that the missiles have started to land on Iran.
And the repercussions will be: A poisoned planet, martial law. The end of democracy and the Grand Experiment. Millions dead, hundreds of millions suffering. Trillions of dollars in "infrastructure" here, and in Iran, destroyed. Freedom gone. The Internet -- gone. Your rights -- gone.
There is only one way to stop this, and that's to recognize the plot before it's accomplished. A great patriot released the news about those errant nukes. Will more patriots do what is necessary to stop the totalitarian regime from seizing ALL remaining power?
Stay tuned to your CIA-approved news station (CNN is just as much a tool of the CIA as FOX is) and you WON'T FIND OUT.
The most ignoble death of all is the death of those who could have spoken out, but didn't. Will that be YOUR fate, or will you tell someone? Will you die quietly, or will you go down fighting? Will you send your sons and daughters off to push buttons against Iran, or will you demand the fight for peace?
Arrest George Bush and Dick Cheney TODAY! Don't wait: Waiting now, in our last moment when we might be able to do something, is the ultimate crime against humanity. Now you have a chance to do something. Tomorrow will be too late.
Ace Hoffman
A patriot, a citizen, a humanitarian, and a sworn enemy of George Bush's totalitarian regime.
** Russell "Ace" Hoffman, Owner & Chief Programmer
** P.O. Box 1936, Carlsbad CA 92018-1936
** (800) 551-2726 (U.S. & Canada)
** (760) 720-7261 (elsewhere)
Subject: Make no mistake about it: That lost nuke was NO MISTAKE
Date: Sep 15, 2007 10:13 AM
September 15th, 2007
Dear Readers,
Do you want a nuclear war with Iran?
Those half-dozen nukes that were accidentally "lost" last month, which turned up at Barksdale AFB, the staging area for aerial attacks on the Middle East, could not possibly have been lost. They were moved ON ORDERS FROM THE TOP.
And one of them appears to be missing.
What can you do with just one "small" nuke (maximum size 150 kilotons, and possibly as small as 5 kilotons)?
Start a war, that's what you can do! You can set it off in America, claim it was Al Qaeda, claim they were supplied by Iran, and then blow Tehran off the map.
I hear cheering.
Stop that, you fools! The people of Tehran are NOT our enemy. The people of Iran are NOT our enemy. If / WHEN that missing nuke is blown up and 10,000 Americans are killed, it will NOT be their fault.
We went into one war on false premises (at least one). We cannot afford a nuclear retaliation. The seeds we sow will come back time and again.
George Bush and Dick Cheney are evil incarnate. We, the people, cannot afford to wait for them to push the button that starts World War Three. We MUST remove the Evil Empire from office. We cannot afford to wait for their "term" to run out -- provision has ALREADY BEEN MADE to prevent it from running out, anyway!
Check out the URL below, where National Security Presidential Directive 51 (aka Homeland Security Presidential Directive 20) gives FULL AUTHORITY for the White House to stay in office, prevent elections, and rule us with an iron fist:
Oh sure, we can all just sleep, waiting to see what happens. Thinking it's out of our control. We can each, individually, be too afraid to speak out.
But that will just get us killed by radioactive poisons unleased throughout the world. Few people noticed the reddened skies after "Shock and Awe" blew Uranium dust globally. Few noticed that Iraq was attacked without provocation after flimsy excuses failed to convince the public. Few noticed that George Bush claimed in his most recent speech that "36 nations" were working together in Iraq right now, 35 alongside us, when, in truth, even our staunchest ally, Britain, has called it quits and plans to withdraw all their troops soon.
Bush lies, millions die.
Next on the agenda is a nuclear explosion on U.S. soil. Clause "B" of NSPD 51 states in no uncertain terms that such an event will be sufficient cause to stop ANY election of a new president. Read it yourself:
"Catastrophic Emergency" means any incident, regardless of location, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the U.S. population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government functions;
For example, a nuke.
Patriotic citizens around the country are waking up. But are there enough of us? Or has our decades-old lack of proper education brought us to a state of mass apathy about what made America great -- which was the personal involvement of the people -- people who cared about truth, justice, and the American Way?
Don't expect that nuke to be set off today or tomorrow, or even next month. It will probably be a year from now, long after everyone's forgotten about it. The war will start swiftly after that. George Bush will announce that the response has already begun -- that the missiles have started to land on Iran.
And the repercussions will be: A poisoned planet, martial law. The end of democracy and the Grand Experiment. Millions dead, hundreds of millions suffering. Trillions of dollars in "infrastructure" here, and in Iran, destroyed. Freedom gone. The Internet -- gone. Your rights -- gone.
There is only one way to stop this, and that's to recognize the plot before it's accomplished. A great patriot released the news about those errant nukes. Will more patriots do what is necessary to stop the totalitarian regime from seizing ALL remaining power?
Stay tuned to your CIA-approved news station (CNN is just as much a tool of the CIA as FOX is) and you WON'T FIND OUT.
The most ignoble death of all is the death of those who could have spoken out, but didn't. Will that be YOUR fate, or will you tell someone? Will you die quietly, or will you go down fighting? Will you send your sons and daughters off to push buttons against Iran, or will you demand the fight for peace?
Arrest George Bush and Dick Cheney TODAY! Don't wait: Waiting now, in our last moment when we might be able to do something, is the ultimate crime against humanity. Now you have a chance to do something. Tomorrow will be too late.
Ace Hoffman
A patriot, a citizen, a humanitarian, and a sworn enemy of George Bush's totalitarian regime.
** Russell "Ace" Hoffman, Owner & Chief Programmer
** P.O. Box 1936, Carlsbad CA 92018-1936
** (800) 551-2726 (U.S. & Canada)
** (760) 720-7261 (elsewhere)
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