Saturday, November 19, 2005

Can the C.I.A. legally kill a prisoner?


"I'm concerned that the government isn't going forward on these prosecutions," Durbin said of the C.I.A. cases. "It's really hard to follow the Administration's policies here. I think the world was very simple before 9/11. We knew what the law was, and I understood it to apply to everyone in the government. Now there's real uncertainty. There's a shadow over our nation that needs lifting."

>>> complete article >>>

* see also:
See this otherwise normal looking young lady? [where the above photo is from in my archives]

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Wednesday, November 16, 2005

walmart movie | wag the dog

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From: Bigraccoon
FREE Screenings in Locations Near YOU
"WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price"
by Robert Greenwald
I went to see this film last night. It is OUTSTANDING -


Michael T. Klare | Wag the Dog
Now that the current occupant of the White House is facing roiling political scandals of his own, Michael Klare reasons that he, too, or his embattled adviser, Karl Rove (not to mention his besieged Vice President, Dick Cheney) may be thinking about ways to "wag the dog."


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Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Sewage Altering Fish, Study Reports

Male bottom-dwellers with female sex characteristics are found near outfall pipes in waters off Los Angeles and Orange counties.
By Marla Cone, Times Staff Writer
Male fish with female characteristics have been discovered in ocean waters off Los Angeles and Orange counties, raising concerns that treated sewage released offshore contains hormone-disrupting compounds that are deforming the sex organs of marine life.
Scientists around the world have found sexual abnormalities in frogs, fish, alligators and other wild animals exposed to sewage effluent and industrial contaminants that mimic estrogens and other hormones. But the latest research in the waters off Southern California is among the first to find such effects in ocean creatures.

>>> Complete Article >>>

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Sunday, November 13, 2005

Nuclear's second wind - Climate solution or illusion?

Almost 20 years on from the Chernobyl disaster, the nuclear industry now appears to be recovering from the fallout of negative public opinion and is increasingly being seen as a ‘green’ solution to the world’s intensifying energy demands. This issue of the NI seeks to unpack the arguments supporting a renewed interest in nuclear power and some of the enduring impacts of our quest to harness the power of the atom.

Not long ago, you could have been forgiven for thinking that nuclear technology was on its way out. After major disasters such as Three Mile Island and Chernobyl, officials were sizing up the nails for the industry’s coffin. But it would seem that nuclear power wasn’t dead – just resting. And in Asia it has been experiencing something of a renaissance.

Now with climate change emerging as a matter for urgent attention, nukes are getting a new look-in in countries which had, until recently, shunned the atom in favour of oil, gas and coal. ‘Nuclear is the new black,’ remarked my friend Ell in exasperation at pronouncements from some prominent environmentalists who’ve swallowed the climate-friendly hype coming from the industry.

And hype is just what it is. As anti-nuclear campaigners often say, the industry is ‘all subsidies, no substance’. Its climate claims are equally full of hot air. Meanwhile, all this talk of a new nuclear dawn is just holding us back. Nuclear’s had its chance (remember those promises of ‘electricity too cheap to metre’?). The nuclear power station – big, expensive, corporate, toxic and wasteful – is a perfect symbol of the kind of blinkered development model we have been pursuing. And now with the race towards fusion, it seems we are still blindly following this destructive path. It’s time to change the way we think about power – literally and politically.

As the anti-nuclear movement folks would say: ‘Nuclear Energy? No Thanks!’ home

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