turn stuff off | U.S., Under Fire, Eases Its Stance in Climate Talks
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NYT: U.S., Under Fire, Eases Its Stance in Climate Talks
The United States dropped its opposition early Saturday morning to nonbinding talks on addressing global warming.
see also - previous -
051209 - How America Plotted to Stop Kyoto Deal | US Attacked on Its Climate Stance
What Planet Are You On, Mr. Bush? (And Do You Care, Mr. Blair?)
More than 100,000 people took to the streets in more than 30 countries yesterday, in the first worldwide demonstration to press for action to combat global warming.
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The Decisive Role of the Individual in History
By Rob Sewell
Alan Woods in his book on the Venezuelan Revolution recalls a conversation he had with Hugo Chavez, the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution. “I read a book by Plekhanov a long time ago”, commented President Chavez, “and it made a big impression on me. It was called The Role of the Individual in History.” The President pondered the title and said: “Well, I know none of us is really indispensable.” Alan interjected, however, and corrected the Venezuelan President on this point: “There are times in history when an individual can make a fundamental difference.” A case in point is Hugo Chavez himself...
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